WPF Diagrams includes an assembly, Mindscape.WpfDiagramming.FlowDiagrams, which implements additional node types specific to flow diagramming applications, such as Start, End and Decision nodes.

To use the flow diagram functionality, reference the Mindscape.WpfDiagramming.FlowDiagrams assembly, and merge the following resource dictionaries instead of the normal DiagramShapes dictionary:

CopyMerging resource dictionaries for flow diagrams
      <ms:FlowDiagramStyles />
      <ms:StandardFlowDiagramToolBoxItems />

Two built-in styles are provided for flow diagrams, a pale minimalist style and a colourful gradient style. To choose which style you want, set DiagramSurface.Formatter:

<ms:DiagramSurface Formatter="{StaticResource {x:Static ms:FlowDiagramStyles.GradientStyleFormatterKey}}" />

Finally, set your DiagramSurface.Diagram to be an instance of FlowDiagramModel instead of the base Diagram class:

ds.Diagram = new FlowDiagramModel();

FlowDiagramModel works with the special node types to enforce a ‘flow’ through the diagram nodes and connections.